Jason von Halle​​
Realization Process
"When we embody our wholeness, our thoughts, emotions, sensations, and perceptions occur as a unity. Our senses function as a unity. Our actions spring from a single source of understanding, emotional and physical sensation. Even the smallest movement of our body, as we turn our head or gesture with our hands, carries the full breadth of our human capacities." ~ Judith Blackstone, PhD

The Realization Process offers a series of innovative meditation and attunement practices that support us in deeply inhabiting our body, contacting our innate wholeness, and gradually reclaiming this precious instrument of our experience. This is a reclamation of our authentic human experience... of our inborn capacities for naturally arising love and compassion, fluid expression, clear understanding, pure personal power and fulfilling sexual contact.
Through unique, subtle and precise inner-attunement exercises, we are supported in making deep inward contact with ourselves. As we contact ourselves more deeply and fully, we uncover an essential, undivided dimension of ourselves, which we call fundamental consciousness in this work. Realization Process practices are direct portals to uncovering fundamental consciousness and experiencing it pervading our whole being… as the actual Ground of our being… as who we are most essentially.
This process entails a gradual shift from an abstract, mentally-focused experience of life (one that is habitual for most of us in the modern, western world) to a direct, lived experience of ourselves and all that is around us.
We begin to feel more alive, substantial and real. We uncover profound inner-resource. We experience our body as the temple, and we are sitting inside the temple.
These gentle, powerful practices help us to maintain the depth of inward contact we need to connect deeply with others without losing connection to ourselves. We can remain open to the fullness of life and begin to face and embrace the intensity of the outer world without sacrificing the gift of our sensitivity.
By integrating nondual meditation practice with somatic psychological healing work (trauma resolution), the Realization Process both honors the intelligence of our protective patterns and offers us powerful tools for helping them to unwind at their root.
As we follow the deepest, most sincere longing of our heart, Realization Process practices are here as a support, inviting us to journey gently, patiently and to our depths.
The Realization Process® was developed by Judith Blackstone, PhD as a direct outcome of her own experiences of healing and awakening, as well as many years of study and practice in different spiritual traditions, including Zen Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism. The Realization Process, however, emerged outside of any spiritual tradition or lineage. Judith is an innovate teacher who has carefully integrated meditation and spiritual practices with somatic and relational approaches to psychological healing. She has over three decades of experience as a psychotherapist and has been teaching the Realization Process throughout the world for over forty years.
A few favorite quotes:
"By applying fundamental consciousness to the healing of trauma, we enter territory that has been traditionally been called "spiritual." For this reason, in the Realization Process, psychological healing and spiritual awakening are considered to be two intertwined and inevitable aspects of our progression toward personal maturity" ~ Judith Blackstone
"The Realization Process is also distinct from most nondual teachings in that it does not consider nondual realization to be the eradication of the experience of individuality. Many current nondual psychotherapies aim to minimize the person's sense of individual existence, including the capacity to think and feel, and their embracing of their personal history, preferences, and aspirations. But in the method presented here, we see that the realization of ourselves as fundamental consciousness actually deepens and matures our inward contact with ourselves, rather than eradicating it. It heals and deepens all our human capacities" ~ Judith Blackstone
"When you experience fundamental consciousness pervading your whole body, you experience the internal coherence of your individual being" ~ Judith Blackstone