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Weekly RP continuous practice group

Wednesdays, 8:30am Pacific time

Online via Zoom (link below)

(NOTE: There will be no meeting on 8/28)​

This ongoing, drop-in practice group offers a rich array of Realization Process meditation and embodiment practices to support you in settling deeply in your body and experiencing more fulfilling self-contact through your days.  We will meet each week for 60 minutes (**with the exception of dates listed above).  The first 30-45 minutes will be continuous practice, with optional time at the end for questions and discussion.  This is an opportunity to enjoy the fruits of practicing in a group, with guidance, and without any expectation of interaction.  Each week will present a unique weaving together of Realization Process practices.  All are welcome! If we have never met or you are new to the Realization Process, please send me an email to say hello.


Cost: $5 or $10 / class 

Please email with any questions. 

(NOTE: There will be no meeting on 8/28)​​




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Tree Stump

Realization Process: An Experiential Introduction

Online via Zoom

4 Thursdays, August 15th, 22nd and September 5th, 12th 4:00-5:30pm PDT (pacific) 

(**note: we skip August 29th)

This is an opportunity to directly experience the essence of the Realization Process in a thoughtfully structured series.  Meetings will be tailored to those with little to no experience with the Realization Process, though the series is open and relevant to anyone.  We will explore the main Realization Process exercises (as well as several supplemental exercises), have plenty of time for questions and discussion, and enjoy the fruits of practicing in community.  The goal will be to provide each person the opportunity to deepen their experience of embodiment, feel a sense of personal connection to the practices, feel comfortable practicing on their own, and perhaps feel inspired to further explore the treasure chest of rich and varied Realization Process exercises.  Meetings will be recorded and recordings will be shared with participants.  All are welcome! Please email with questions or to register. Cost: $60 - $100 sliding scale


From past participants:

"Jason provides an excellent introduction to the Realization Process. I found his teaching style very reassuring, calming and encouraging. Every session left me feeling more centered and in touch with my deep embodied experience! Big thanks for holding the space so confidently and compassionately! - Jessica B. 


"Jason offers a comfortable and expansive space to learn about The Realization Process while feeling supported and encouraged. He made me feel comfortable as an absolute beginner with no previous exposure to this technique. Through the introduction series, Jason shared skills and practices to facilitate embodiment, something that has previously felt elusive to me. I really resonate with this style of meditation and look forward to continuing to learn." - Julia B.


"This is a very effective and valuable way to go deeper with the Realization Process practices. It is good if you are totally new or if you have been practicing on your own and want to go deeper and have the structure and connection a class setting provides. Jason is an excellent guide and knows this work well. I highly recommend doing a class or individual session with him." - Jen G.


Tree Roots

Cultivating Foundation, Uncovering Wholeness

Online via Zoom

6 Tuesdays, October 15th - November 19th,  10:00-11:30am PDT (pacific) 


Just as trees need strong roots in order to stay grounded, grow tall and stretch their branches, we too need a solid foundation in our being in order to open and expand in easeful, nourishing ways.  So much in our modern world seems to draw us “up and out” – away from the earth and foundations within our body.  When we are able to experience a true sense  foundation in our body, a natural settling results.  


As we transition from the activity of summer to the mellowing of autumn, we find ourselves naturally inclined to turn inward, settle deeply and feel more resourced.  This series is designed to support you both in experiencing true foundation within your body and in uncovering your innate, unbroken wholeness. Cultivating foundation, we feel more grounded and supported.  Uncovering wholeness, we contact profound inner-resource.  We will creatively explore a wide variety of Realization Process exercises that help us to feel more settled and at home in our body, more open to the ground of physical sensation, more substantive through our whole being, and much else.  By honoring the entire body, the Realization Process invites us to inhabit ourselves to our depth –  fully and  steadily – and to refine our experience of internal contact.  With this felt-sense of foundation and access to our wholeness, we can transition into late-fall and winter with the inner-resource that we need.   This will be a highly experiential series with plenty of opportunities for questions and discussion.  Meetings will be recorded and shared with participants so that you can review the class if you a week.    


Please email with questions or to register. 

Cost: $185 (sliding scale available)




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